
By Colby Malsbury
Remember the entire GameStop imbroglio way back in that mystic age of January of this year? (In Scarybug World, one day seems to last a wormhole-ful of eternities.) I can think of worse ways to usher in a new year, myself. It gave the Elect a much-needed morale boost to see the short-selling mountebanks of Wall Street get their shirt handed to them over an obsolete video game-exchange franchise that, inexplicably, is still listed on the NYSE. Sure, it turned out to be little more than a temporary middle finger directed the Jewish financial cartel’s way, was quickly suppressed by said cartel’s very own Securities Exchange Commission, and will likely be actively usurped by said cartel in future broker plays of its own, but even a temporary discomfiture among our worst enemies is a rare gem indeed these days.
Lost among this most ironic of bubbles, however, is another trait that could have been a factor in driving GameStop’s price skyward: a decidedly non-ironic yearning for the time when video games were stored on external software that you could hold in your hands, and that didn’t require trust in the tender mercies and fickle whims of a livestream Cloud-based Steam account. Yes, Gen-Z friends and neighbors, there still is a sizable component of such old-timers out there – the kind who have kept cleaning out the innards of their Atari consoles on an annual basis. This is the same demographic who keeps the few remaining brick and mortar used book stores semi-solvent, as well. There is a comforting feeling of permanence to be gleaned from the cumbersome and ‘inefficient’ hard copies of any medium, a bond so strong that dare I say even a goodly number of Millennials will understand what I’m talking about.
That still-innate desire among certain of our volk to not become commoditized, atomized, and ultimately vaporized will, given the current metastasis of Big Tech’s ambitions, trigger a spirited reaction against technology, period. What matters all the convenience and efficiency in the world at the cost of our national soul?
It should come as no surprise to anyone that in hindsight, we were sold a bill of goods regarding the internet. Back in the carefree happy 90s, with the Cold War’s “end” and full Baby Boomer employment combining to propagate a vacuous feeling of optimism throughout the land, nothing seemed sunnier than that newfangled contraption called the “world wide web”….or, if its proponents were feeling particularly scholastic that day, the “information superhighway”. Instructional videos featuring chipper (and white!) families who appeared to have walked straight off the set of Beverly Hills 90210 proliferated, and assured us that once we became proficient in “surfing” there was a whole cyber-world of wonder to entrance us as our fingertips sailed across the keyboard and the cute l’il mouse clicked on everything in sight. The futurists on campus and in the media gushed at us to just imagine the possibilities!
It’s coming on to thirty years since those halcyon days, and you wanna know something? To hell with the ‘possibilities’. Those might have been germane had the internet been the great democratizer of communication (gag) we were promised it would be, but that was just the sales pitch. When any new technology rears its ugly head, all anyone ought to concern themselves with are the probabilities, because that is assuredly what will happen with the shiny new gadgetry. And fallen human nature being what it is, those probabilities inevitably boil down to building yet another prison around ourselves.
Perhaps it is providential that Big Tech was largely responsible for manufacturing the Scarybug plandemic, as we have been witness to the unadulterated hell that awaits our very existence if these Silicon Valley incubuses are allowed their comprehensive online empire. Really, who in their right mind is looking forward to a lifetime of a nonstop barrage of Orwellian reminders that an emergency is in place on every conceivable social media forum? Or of said forums erasing any and all info that contradicts the official story of said emergencies, and permanently banning the posters of such? Or of things getting even more nefarious on that front, and a Minority Report-style predictive algorithm scrubbing all users who demonstrate the potential of turning into naysayers? Or of registering all entrants into any business or public institution into a few hundred federal databases via the lying rubric of ‘contact tracing’ – made easy-peasy by a downloadable app onto your “smart” phone? Or of transacting your entire business, social, educational, and personal life through a soulless plastic screen made dusty through lack of cleaning? Zoom stands ready to be crowned the most hated app of the entire web, thanks to its excessive overuse and flagrant abuse by governmental, corporate, academic, and union despots. How would you like this series of 1’s and 0’s as your constant companion during your brief walk under the sun?
In short: the internet was indeed an amazing boon….for them, and not for you. Just as it has always been with every other promise they have made you, and as it always will be till our occupation is complete, and Immanuel cometh again.
It isn’t just in the realm of communication that the tech backlash will arise, though. Older folks, at least, are beginning to wake up to the fact that it is not desirable for your fully integrated ‘smart’ car not to start, your fully integrated ‘smart’ fridge to quit running, and your fully integrated ‘smart’ Alexa to quietly report you to Interpol every time you utter an n-word or express doubts about the sagacity of Greta Thunberg in their presences. The whole fury generated by smart appliances can be fully encapsulated in a study of the wanton cruelty inflicted by “smart” furnaces to the denizens of the northern climes overburdened with green governments that are anything but smart. Traditional furnaces were simply constructed and exceedingly durable. Your humble scribe himself keeps warm in the winter with a vintage mid-60s Lennox (and a manual thermostat) that has only needed one replacement motor – easily and cheaply available at any auto-parts store – during its lifespan. What manner of beast decided it was a good idea to switch over instead to a modernist nightmare of circuit boards, relay harnesses, computer chips, data processors, etc, instead, and count on that Rube Goldbergian jungle gym to function properly in forty-below temps? Particularly when the slightest hint of moisture in the guts of the apparatus can fry the entire system….and, y’know, furnaces are rather notorious for collecting condensation, being hooked to an outside vent as they are. In geographical areas where winter heating is a matter of life and death, people are eventually going to adopt wood-burning alternatives or rebuilt old-school furnaces over virtue-signalling hunks of junk every time, and government regulations and insurance requirements be damned. How many Agenda 2030 conferences are ever scheduled for Tuktoyaktuk in the middle of January, anyway?
Or here’s a real howler….’the paperless society’. Remember that old trope? Before you start consigning printers to the Museum of Yesteryear, talk to a few homeschooling mamas sometime and see how many of them print off their curricula. I guarantee there will be a multitude, and reams of paper will be put to this use during a semester. There’s just something about the systemic approach to teaching western civilization that doesn’t fit at all well into the confines of an eReader or an interpretive dance routine posted on TikTok.
To what end is all this sound and fury? Nothing less than to wage a combination of a Great Leap Forward and a Cultural Revolution (guess where both of those ideas originated from?) to incubate us uncomprehending nestlings into the brave new world of cyber-autocracy from which there will be no escaping if you plan on remaining at all on the grid. Government structures as we know them will wither and die with the 110 year olds currently running them, but they ain’t throwing in the towel by a long shot. They’ll merely be amalgamated into this aberrant international centralized superstructure along with their corporate benefactors, and there will be no longer be any chance of dodging their evil encroachments, especially if they get their microchip implantation program under way and succeed in turning us all into androids. The precedent for this Orwellian hell is being set in, among other places, Nevada, where forthcoming legislation would allow Silicon Valley conglomerates to create local governments, complete with powers of tax collection, school board implementation, and municipal services! And what’s being considered in one blue state at the micro level you can bet is also being pondered with all the more intensity at the macro level in the United Nations, central bank HQ’s, and various Rothschild manors the world over, as well. Dense libertarians will doubtless cheer this development, because that’s what they do, but tis leagues further removed from God’s political system of judgeships than even our volk’s misguided yearning for an earthly king was. “For all this His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still.”
And if you think you’ll be able to proffer some meaningful resistance to this upcoming state of affairs online, give your head a vigorous shake. Those days are rapidly waning. In a previous article I discussed how the structure of Twitter is designed to allow for nothing more than a fake discourse structured on the Delphi method of group control, whereby you wind up spending the night typing in all-caps against pre-programmed leftist bot accounts and think you’ve accomplished something. That’s an algorithm you had better get good and used to, because that’s what the entire internet will devolve into once the leftists succeed in their coup and wrest complete control of it. And once you’ve lost your cool and posted something they consider incriminating, they’ll turn their cancel culture against your URL and then it’s back to snail mail and purchasing goods at K-Mart for you, privileged one!
Ah, but the thing is: there’s nothing to generate visceral loathings of all things tech like being cooped up in your abode for a year thanks to government diktat, and being forced to be surrounded by the accursed knickknackery. That techno-prison has been enough to convince a good deal of people that perhaps flip phones, VCRs, and manual barbecues are more than sufficient for their material needs. The resulting mindset is not likely to get drowned out in the “excitement” generated by whatever new crap Apple decides to roll off the production line next.
And the internet? If the Left wants it bad enough, it can have it. Elon Musk’s proposed Starlink alternet will almost assuredly prove to be pie in the sky and/or just as much of a cyber-Leavenworth as the internet, but it documents we don’t have to be subject to one all-pervading globalist communication network. As server capacity gets easier and easier to obtain, there will be little reason not to detach from the internet and establish a limited access “regionet” or two among like-minded folks….a somewhat more advanced form of shortwave radio programming. If the important thing is remaining in contact, what matters it if all the useless accoutrements of “professional” sites are missing? And sure, we might not have access to the likes of Amazon – boo effin’ hoo. Mid-sized manufacturers and retailers would only be too happy to establish a presence on there once the numbers are in place, and isn’t that who we should be throwing our custom to anyway? Contrary to what the prevailing gerontocracy believes, there is more than one way to secede from their repellent embrace.
The Woke will call us neo-Luddites for refusing to play their game by their rules. So what? This isn’t a matter of turning back the clock. It’s a matter of getting our dander up when a bunch of extra hours of Daylight Saving Time are added to the mix without us having any say in the matter.