By Colby Malsbury
Dr. Anthony Fauci is Jim Jones.
Don’t believe me? Let’s look at the facts. Both commanded/command unwarranted total adherence (not untouched with grievous fear) from a mighty congregation that, to be blunt, was/is not overly bright. Both were/are courted by progressive municipal pols eager to be associated with such great humanitarians. Both could/can proffer any socialist heterodoxy they wanted as ‘received wisdom’ and not be questioned about it. Both had/have needless humiliations and deaths on their resumes that they will be answering for on that great and wonderful Day. And both had/have execrable taste in eyeglasses.
I might be a tad facetious here, but only a tad. For a meddlesome lambda-male twerp like Fauci could never have aspired to the level of breathtaking veneration he has garnered in the wake of the Scarybug Follies had the medical profession not morphed into a most hideous kind of secular diaconate decades before he rode into town. It is his white smock of a robe, not his personal magnetism, that ensures his every word will be canonized. Witness how every utterance his even less charismatic fellow solons in other countries issue is also treated as holy writ, most notably ‘Dr’ Theresa Tam of Canada, a plug-ugly Oriental expat who urges the local white yeomanry to wear masks during intercourse, that impotency might result and our already desperate demographic deficit might continue apace.
Of course, such a state of affairs should come as no surprise to the Christian. Medicine in general has been beholden to an overwhelmingly left-wing agenda since at least the mid-19th century. As Enlightenment secularization took hold upon Europe and the Americas with a will, and the propitiation of these earthen vessels of ours was perceived to be the only possible alternative to the Eternal we would ever be privy to, the formation of a caste of ‘healers’ immersed in humanism, scientism, and Darwinism was all but inevitable. And what a rich tapestry that caste has woven in the intervening two centuries:
A culture of niggling nanny-statism in every aspect of life (‘Don’t drink! Don’t smoke! Eat vegetarian! 3.5 hours of vigorous calisthenics daily!’) in Fabian late-Victorian Britain.
The first-ever nationalized health care system rolled out in the Soviet Union in 1919.
Stalin’s Doctors’ Plot of 1953 – which doctors of a Trotskyite bent have made political and professional hay out of ever since.
That stalwart upholder of the Hippocratic oath Dr. Che Guevara.
The insistence that every perversion from abortion to transgenderism is so necessary for one’s ‘mental well-being’ that such practices have a benevolent placebo effect upon one’s physical health.
You get the picture. Are these the type of folks you want sticking scalpels in you when your gall bladder needs removing?
Ultimately, of course, there is nothing metaphorical about the medical priesthood. It is a tenet of the Reformed worldview that there is no such thing as secular. All is ‘faith-based’, to use the modern vernacular, and whether the faith be True or false is the only real issue at hand. Thus, modern MD’s proffer genuine sacerdotal knowledge (as opposed to wisdom), albeit from the right hand of Baal more often than not. They even borrow the same attributes from their spiritual ancestors, having the dim yet total preoccupation with the here and now of the Sadducaical branch of the family tree, as well as the obnoxious meddling demeanor and grossly wrong-headed presuppositionalism of the Pharasaical branch. Not to mention that they are still primarily composed of the same (((ethnic group))) that constituted both priestly factions of Christ’s time.
Of course, no priest worth his salt would ever dare refuse to preside over a communal service. And what do our lachrymose Levites have to offer in place of the Body and the Blood? Vaccinations, of course! And never has there been a greater urgency to ensure the entire congregation partakes in the ceremony than during this prolonged Lenten (or perhaps Yom Kippurian?) season of Covid-19. Their acolytes in the media have taken to pealing the bells to call in the faithful. Witness a recent example taken from the series Transplant, in which the ‘tyranny’ of an anti-vax father, contrasted with the saintly concern of consecrated physicians, provides a major subplot:
Doctor: Sir, this could be more
than a simple flu.
We don’t know what’s causing
your son’s fever to spike.
It could be a serious infection.
Son: He’s not vaccinated.
Father: Max!
Son: They have to know, Dad!
Doctor:Is that true?
Which vaccinations is he missing?
Father: All of them.
Doctor: We must shift Tristan Abbot in
negative pressure isolation.
Gloves, gowns, masks on
everyone, staff or family,
until we know what he has.
Doctor #2: You’re back?
Unvaccinated child with
a mystery illness?
More interesting than my flat screen.
‘More than just a flu’? Hey, weren’t right-wing nutjobs of the sort that the show’s producers obviously loathe saying that Covid was ‘just a flu’ lo these many months past now? What a coinceedink, huh? But wait, there’s more:
Son: Do you see a lot of
unvaccinated children?
Doctor #1: More than we should.
People afraid of side
effects, primarily autism.
Doctor #2: That study was retracted.
Doctor #1: Yeah, and a tonne of misinformation
is taking its place.
Doctor #2: Are there antivaxxers in Syria?
Doctor #1: People there are desperate for vaccines.
We fight to get them into the country.
One of the MD’s on this show, I should point out, is a Syrian. His whole ‘Doctors Without Borders’ schtick here is obviously meant as a counterpart to the primitive insular nationalism of, oh, let’s say Bashar al-Assad. And yes, Father is white!!! How did you know??? But I digress.
Father: Max got one vaccination
when he was a baby.
It left him paralyzed for a week.
Half his little face was frozen.
Doctor: Reactions like that are rare,
and almost never serious.
Father: Until they are.
We were lucky that he bounced back.
After that, we were done with it.
The body builds its own immunity.
Doctor #1: Then neither of your
sons are vaccinated?
Doctor #2: Mr. Abbott. We only
want to help your son.
A priest, after all, must never be detracted from the catechism. Willfulness expressed as concern for one’s own flesh and blood can be justifiably ignored when it threatens to disrupt the mantra of ‘we’re from the hospital, and we’re here to help!’
The mission field was a fruitful orchard, though as – hallelujah! The priesthood has gained a convert!
Max: Tristan needs me, so…
I’m gonna go in there and be with him.
Father: What are you talking about?
You are not going in there.
Max: I got vaccinated, Dad.
Like, the day I turned 16.
You and Mom decided for me.
And I didn’t agree with your
choice so I made my own.
Father: You hid this from me?
Max: I had to!
You were wrong, Dad.
How inspiring. Just as Jesus said that anyone who would ‘hate not his father and mother’ cannot be His disciple (Luke 14:26), so does the medical priesthood have to misconstrue and usurp that passage as pertaining to themselves and their own powers of sorcery. No Sanhedrin not jealous of its prerogatives is worthy of the name. I would also be remiss if I didn’t point out that Transplant is a Canadian show, and in the land of ‘divinely’ ordained socialized medicine it’s apparently common for teenagers to arrange for their own vaccinations because they just care that much about the common weal. I’ve lived here all my life, and I just learned that today.
Naturally, not every single doctor fits into this idolatrous pattern. The local sawbones used to be of a decided ‘suck it up, buttercup’ mien, and there are still a few like that around today, albeit they are a rare breed indeed anymore. Dr. Ron Paul can be accounted among them, and his calm reasoned analysis of how Scarybug hype would do more damage than the virus itself in the early days of the plandemic can be ranked among the best and most important things he’s ever written. Of course, the priesthood itself could not allow such heresy to stand unchallenged. ‘Why, he’s merely an obstetrician, not a virologist!!!’ they blatted, in the manner of a Gershonite complaining that one of the Kohathites is pitching the tent of the ark rather than tending to the maintenance of the vessels of the tabernacle. Any doctor that dares to fall outside the parameters of Snake Oil Masquerading as Received Wisdom can expect a similar shunning and a subsequent lack of invitation to his governor’s post-electoral ball to boot. I know such doctors wouldn’t care a hoot about either, but the SJW variant seems to think complacent conformity and the moldy laurels such a mindset is rewarded with are the spice of life.
And so, as 2020 wends its way towards its dismal conclusion, the sect is enjoying its moment of glory, straddling a pinnacle of power they had not dreamed possible for many, many years, if ever. Yet pride goeth before a fall. In their morbid harangues against safety deviationists and their gleeful reporting of mythological tens of thousands of Covid deaths every hour on the hour, the priesthood resembles a cabal of necromancers more than saviors. ‘All those that hate Me love death’, saith the LORD, and He will not suffer the contumacy of these quacks to stand forever. Let their blue checkmarks on Twitter rescue them then!