Five Reasons Why Wearing a Mask Does Not Constitute ‘Loving Thy Neighbor’


By Colby Malsbury

Ya know, I don’t even care that much anymore that the Scarybug LARP has gone just a wee little bit over the proscribed ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’. Governments being composed exclusively of sociopathic tapeworms, they’re gonna lie. It’s what they do.

What gets my gander up these days is the plethora of people who treat their voluntary mask servitude as some kind of overweening civic duty and who will make damn good and certain you fully understand the levels of martyrdom they inflict upon themselves. ‘I wear this mask so you won’t get sick!!’ Gee, thanks, Marcus Welby. If I had a hero cookie, I’d give it to you, but I doubt the cloth barrier draping your big mouth would be able to allow you to enjoy it.

Of course, Christians, being followers rather than leaders, have adopted this rubric full bore under the delusion that stifling their breathing is somehow loving their neighbor as they love themselves. Exactly how breathing in their own possibly contaminated smog is supposed to demonstrate this is beyond me, except to possibly prove that the modern Church hates itself – a concept I can easily get behind. That’s not the only logical fallacy to be found in this idiotic gesture. Here are five more:

  1. To wear a mask is to violate the 9th Commandment.

This is a point that has been made many times before – most recently by Davis in his evisceration of the sellout Todd Friel – but it bears repeating. If God is love (1 John 4:8, 16) and God cannot lie (Titus 1:2), then it is impossible for a policy predicated on a lie to find favor in God’s eyes, and thus must be construed as unloving. It matters not how ‘well intentioned’ said lie is. God will ‘frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad’ (Is. 44:25), and a major component of that revelation in terms of self-righteous maskshevism will be paring back the surface veneer of compassion to reveal the numb vacuity of faithlessness underneath. Ever seen a bright-eyed mask zombie out in public yet? I certainly haven’t.

‘Oh, but you don’t know for certain that it’s a lie!’ Oh yes, I do. Even leaving aside the multitude of studies denigrating the efficiency of masks, one doesn’t have to be Mencken to understand that the flip-floppery demonstrated by the likes of “Dr.” Anthony Fauci on this matter leaves substantive proof that this issue should not be received as gospel. And since when has the world itself accepted ‘you don’t know’ as a viable excuse? Think the Communist prosecutors at Nuremberg would have let one defendant slide by on that plea? Or the feral wolfpack of BLM torching houses in liberal neighborhoods once blissfully ignorant of the specific depravity the sons of Ham are prone to, for that matter?

It is also part and parcel of a lying spirit to refuse to acknowledge any of the political ramifications of Scarybug and to blithely pretend it is a mere medical issue. I mean, c’mon – the outbreak of this thing very neatly coincided with the beginning of the 2020 primary season. The Holy Veil has been adopted as an idol most gleefully by Democratic governors, Democratic city councilors, and Joe Biden – certainly no stranger to the allure of a lying spirit himself. Mask adherents are overwhelmingly likely to be Democratic, particularly given how many women, minorities, and urban professionals have bought whole hog into the bunkum. The party of Jefferson (snort, guffaw!) lives for this kind of tyrannical social experimentation anymore. Hey, it works well for Republicans, too. The inevitable vaporization of the economy, evident to anyone with a pulse since at least 2008, can now be used by them as a cloak for their own wicked ineptitude after four years in the driver’s seat, and isn’t that little charade worth donning a bandana at the next banquet named after Abe Lincoln? Pragmatism might help in the retention of power, but it hardly constitutes loving anybody.

On a related note, and especially germane to the Christian:

    1. Principled mask shunners are treated as pariahs in churches.

Oh, your church that remained complacently shut lo these many months finally decided to open up, because the governor deigned that they could do so? How lovely. Problem is: it still isn’t worth attending for all the ‘precautions’ they have in place. If half the congregation has to be cordoned off in the foyer and the communion bread and wine has to be sacrilegiously sanitized by a deacon wearing a beekeeper’s outfit, can this be said to be a joyous gathering of the saints? And make no mistake: those same parishioners who beam with approval on some black or some unwed mother who has been well known to have had an abortion being set up in the front pew, in order that their progressivism might shine forth, will scowl at you with unfeigned loathing if you dare to tarnish their sanctuary with your unmasked visage. Hardly the heartening trust Paul enjoyed in his relations with the Thessalonians and the Philippians, that. And heaven help you if you should show up with your unmasked children in tow. You’ll be dealing with CPS beginning early next week and continuing for the rest of your life. But then, no one ever claimed warping ‘love thy neighbor’ into a threatening paroxysm of compulsion was going to be devoid of consequences.

    1. Depersonalization

Think about every ‘perfect’ dystopian society you’ve ever read about or seen on film, from Logan’s Run to The Handmaid’s Tale. Was love to one’s neighbor ever a driving factor in any of these depictions? No, I don’t believe it was. Why should our current Orwellian nightmare of equality via muzzlehood be any different? The alienist has a rather emotionally retarded concept of ‘love’ at the best of times, and cannot comprehend loving anything but a lumpen mass of human sameness reduced to the lowest common denominator of talent, intelligence, and faith. And masking everyone into our very own home-grown Cultural Revolution fits that bill nicely. No doubt more than a few ‘Christian’ mask advocates will take umbrage with that comparison, but as the international mask-querade increasingly comes to resemble the infamous Stanford prison experiment, which determined that under the right circumstances authority will be blindly adhered to regardless of the individual prisoners’ personalities, well….find me a more worthy analogy, then. Or is this supposed to be some ham-fisted evidence of mass Christian regeneration?

Moreover, let us not overlook the occult implications in masking the entire world as part of a symbolic submissive entry into that dreaded ‘new world order’ we have all come to know and loathe. Can we possibly construe that as ‘loving’? Or have we erred all these millennia in imputing mendacity to the serpent when he assured Eve that she would not surely die upon partaking of the fruit? Perhaps he actually ‘meant well’, and we should go out and hold a protest march in his honor? I hear Pierre, SD is rife for burning up.

    1. Entertaining your neighbor’s neurosis is not loving.

If my neighbor is convinced that he is Napoleon, I am not being loving towards him by eagerly suggesting he take his phantom army and attempt to invade Russia, no matter how much not stroking his delusion might shatter his paradigm. Likewise, if my neighbor’s faith is so weak that he goes all to pieces upon seeing someone not taking useless precautions against a disease whose mortality rate dwarfs that of traffic accidents on any given day, how is my wearing a mask likely to bolster his Christian resolve? If anything, it will serve as a fresh reminder to him that he is thoroughly ensconced in the Matrix, and he can continue to be knock-kneed, knowing that a rather severe and unpleasant cold will be the death of him one fine day. Isn’t that a fine life?

I’m not doing myself any favors by humoring his twitchy quirk, either. Jesus, of course, said that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. As mentioned previously, how in the deuce am I loving myself by asphyxiating myself needlessly, all so that my neighbor’s unstable spiritual fancies might not be impacted one iota? It is an impossibility. But if I persist in doing this, at the core of the matter I am participating not only in lying, but am held in sway by….

    1. Pride, damnable pride.

Let us examine the motivations of maskers, according to the definitions of love enumerated in 1 Corinthians 13. Are they:

Longsuffering? No. ‘I’ve worn this mask for three days now, and I hate it, but I’m doing it for the @#$@#$ greater good!!!’

Kind? No. ‘He never wore a mask, and now he’s dead? Reeee!!!!!’

Non-envious? No. ‘How come you get to walk around in the fresh air, and I don’t???’

Not puffed up? No. ‘Why aren’t your children masked, unlike mine??? Do you hate them???’

Seemly in behavior? No. * physically attacks non-mask wearer *

Seekers after other than their own? No. ‘Fam, I found an anti-mask group on Facebook. How do I report them?’

Not easily provoked? No. ‘Your not wearing a mask constitutes rape!!!’

Thinkers of no evil? No. ‘LOL – I hope all the Karens not wearing masks get machine-gunned by Antifa!’

Rejoicers in the truth rather than iniquity? You gotta be kidding.

Bearers, believers, hopers, and endurers? Nope, nope, nope, and nope.

So, if maskers are not acting out of a sense of Godly love, but are only putting on a false front, what does that leave as a motivating factor? Pride born of an evil heart that may love (or, more likely, lust after) self, but nothing else.

And how can any Christian worthy of the name engage in such calumny and not be the most craven kind of coward? He can’t. Indeed, he is the worst kind of antinomian. For in Romans 13:10 Paul states: ‘Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.’ Masks can only work to the detriment of my neighbor, and therefore they are inherently lawless.

But you better not tell your local masktard that. He’ll be trying to put you in goggles before you know it.