Reverend Greg Johnson’s Confession Examined

By Enoch Powell


Read Greg Johnson’s original bit of self-justification here.


“I was not raised in a Church or a synagogue.” – Irreverent Greg Johnson, Sodomite PCA Pastard.

Why would any putative Christian put being raised in a synagogue on the same level as being raised in a Church? First sentence out of the man’s mouth in his pleading for accepting same-sex attracted members and already I’m scratching my head.

“I knew I was gay at age 11.” – Pastard Greg Johnson, Defending Same-Sex Attraction Status On the Floor of the Presbytery.

1.) The man has just admitted he is gay

2.) Most people struggle with one besetting sin or another. Do they self identify with that besetting sin as Johnson does here?

“That was the day I realized Christians hate gay people.” – “Rev.” Greg Johnson, in Defense of celibate sodomy status on the floor of the Presbytery.

Well… sure. Christians hate all deviancy and so demonstrate their love for such people by hating them. Christians also hate people who get all sexually aroused over farm animals or are stimulated by the sight of dead bodies. It’s normal to hate that which is aberrant.

It is a virtue to hate sodomites who want to embrace their attractions and that even when they don’t act upon the unnatural affection. We are commanded to “hate that which is evil and to cling to that which is good.”

Hate for “Rev.” Johnson would be to allow him to continue this delusion that sodomites as sodomites, without regret regarding their aberrant attractions, are to be seen as normative.

“I have had a history of a struggle with pornography, which I am now 15 years sober.” – “Rev.” Greg Johnson, Speaking on the Floor of the Presbytery defending Celibate Sodomy.

1.) Keep in mind that Rev. Johnson has told us already that he knew he was sodomite from age 11. This leads us to conclude that the “porn” that Rev. Johnson was consuming was likely sodomite porn.

2.) Keep in mind that when someone speaks “I am now 15 years sober” that usually implies they understand they were addicted.

3.) Keep in mind that presumably, this addiction was in place during the time when he had “read every book written by R. C. Sproul and memorized Sproul’s audio tapes,” and while he attended Seminary and possibly at the beginning of his time in the ministry.

4.) Now, clearly God delivers his people from besetting sins and we praise God that God quite possibly has delivered “Rev. ” Johnson from said sin. HOWEVER, the fact that he wants to bring some portion of that sin (the attraction to other men) into the Church and normalize it quite possibly bespeaks the reality that Johnson has not yet been delivered.

“At this point, I am 46 years old and still same-sex attracted. My orientation has not changed and for those who are exclusively same-sex attracted who are men, we don’t know for certain — I’ve talked to every head of every ministry and can’t find a single instance of same-sex attraction going away.” – “Rev.” Greg Johnson, Speaking on the Floor of the Presbytery.

1.) He’s talked to every head of every ministry? Hyperbole much?

2.) To say that same-sex attraction doesn’t go away doesn’t mean that people with same-sex attraction should rejoice in their same-sex attraction. Doesn’t mean that people with same-sex attraction should be in pulpits. Doesn’t mean that people who are same-sex attracted should be normalized.

If we don’t want more people with this besetting sin then we should not celebrate or normalize this besetting sin.

“I’ve talked to every head of every ministry and can’t find a single instance of same-sex attraction going away. So, where that leaves me at age 46, is I’m a 46-year-old virgin who has never so much as held hands. I’ve never had a romantic embrace. I have never hugged romantically. I have had a history with struggle with pornography. I am mortifying my flesh every single day yet that has a cost. Jesus has washed me and yet I am in a fight for my life every single day and I don’t regret that one bit. The cost is this. The cost is that there is no family photographs on my mantle because I have no family. The Cost is I know what it means to sit alone at home in my apartment on Christmas day because I have no family. The cost it that someday I will have to be buried, not cremated, because there will be no one to receive my ashes because my line ends with me. I don’t regret that. I accept that as a calling to suffer for the sake of Jesus who says that those who give up Fathers and Mothers and husbands and wives and children and brothers and sisters for my sake will receive a 100 times more and I love Jesus and I want to serve Him and I’m willing to suffer for Him because it is that beautiful.” – “Rev.” Greg Johnson, Speaking from the Floor of the Presbytery.

1.) This is absolutely masterful. Here we see the recent wisdom from the Sodomite community which has told its people to “quit arguing theology and Scripture and just tell your story.” What God is pleased with gets completely lost in the middle of a good tear jerker.

2.) Logical fallacy — Appeal to sympathy. Imagine how hard it was on Poor Stalin to kill all those Christian Ukrainian Kulaks. The time spent signing the paperwork. The long hours receiving the reports. The stress of not knowing if collectivization would work. And so on and so forth.

3.) Johnson has just mapped out the future course of the movement he is heading in the PCA. Once same-sex attraction is affirmed as normative the next step will be to make a way so that the same-sex saints can hold hands, have romantic embraces, and finally have butt buddy partners who he wakes up next to on Christmas and who he can have candid photos snapped with to put on his mantle.

4.) “I will have to be buried, not cremated.” Which is fitting because burial, unlike pagan cremation, is of Christian origin.

5.) This one is a biggie for me. Johnson has not “given family up for Jesus.” Johnson has not made this sacrifice. The invoking of this Scripture teeters on blasphemous. Johnson hasn’t given it up because Johnson has no desire for it that isn’t greater than his desire to affirm his sodomite attraction. Johnson is asking everyone else to give up and sacrifice Christian morality so he can play in the poop without having to be condemned for it.

There is nothing noble about Johnson’s appeal to sympathy. Nothing noble in his vision of the Church’s future. If he were a noble man he’d start his own denomination and not try to steal one that was started and maintained by truly noble men. Johnson is a very ill man and those that find sense in his appeal are very ill men.

“Yet friends, when I read article 7 of the Nashville statement it hurts because article 7 says it is a sin to adopt a homosexual self-conception. We don’t do that for any other people group. We don’t tell alcoholics that it is sin to conceive of yourself as an alcoholic because drunkenness is a sin. It is the beginning of learning how to manage your alcoholism in obedience to Christ so it doesn’t define you. We don’t tell paraplegics that they should conceive of themselves as able-bodied because that is God’s ideal. We wouldn’t tell an infertile woman that she needs to conceive of herself as fertile and she is unbelieving to conceive of herself as infertile because that’s not God’s design. Friends I’m fallen. I’m broken and Jesus has washed me and saved me. My prayer is that you would consider the damage that would be done to people like me when article 7 says that is a sin to acknowledge our brokenness and our shame and the suffering and sorrow that go with it.” – “Rev.” Greg Johnson, Speaking from the floor of the PCA Presbytery.

1.) More appeal to sympathy.

2.) Being an alcoholic means one has been a drunkard. Being an alcoholic does NOT mean one has only been tempted to be a drunkard in the past. Being a sodomite means penetrating other men. It does not mean being tempted to penetrate other men. When Johnson identifies as “sodomite” Johnson identifies not as someone who has merely been tempted but as someone who has actually penetrated another man. To be an alcoholic means one has been a drunkard. To be sodomite (gay) means one has penetrated another man. Johnson wants the Church to allow people to have a sodomite self-conception who are not and have never been sodomites.

3.) Alcoholics don’t want to be Alcoholic. Johnson clearly insists that he is a sodomite and that that is perfectly normal. He glories in this perversion. He wants to mainstream it.

4.) Paraplegics have a medical physical reason why they are paraplegics. I imagine Johnson would like to think that sodomites likewise have a medical physical reason for being sodomite but there is no evidence to that end. Same holds true for infertile women. Johnson is mixing apples and oranges here in his desperate appeal to mainstream his aberrant desires.

5.) Jesus has not washed and saved someone who is trying to mainstream non-christian behavior and desires.

6.) Johnson mischaracterizes article 7 which says,

“WE DENY that adopting a homosexual or transgender self-conception is consistent with God’s holy purposes in creation and redemption.”

There is ZERO in article 7 about not being able “to acknowledge our brokenness and our shame and the suffering and sorrow that go with it.” Johnson lies here to advance his agenda. Johnson is a liar.

7.) Note what Johnson is seeking to do here. The “man” is actually seeking to say that sodomy as a self-conception is not sin. Johnson is trying to tell us that sodomy as a self-conception is righteousness. Either one’s self-conception is sinful or it is righteous. Johnson is telling us that to have a self-conception as a sodomite is pleasing to God.

8.) Sinners always insists that God’s Word “hurts,” and “does damage to their egos.” Meh… let them hurt. If they want to quit hurting they can repent.

“My prayer is that instead, we will do the hard work of coming up with something biblically nuanced, theologically sophisticated, missionally sensitive, and pastorally sensitive so that people like me don’t have to go through all the suffering I had because their Pastors will be well equipped to love people who are broken, and same-sex attracted and waiting for glory. “ – “Rev.” Greg Johnson, Speaking from the PCA Presbytery GA Floor.

1.) You could start your “something biblically nuanced, theologically sophisticated, missionally sensitive, and pastorally sensitive” with, “hath God really said…”

2.) I care far far far more about the suffering of people in the future who will, because of your demonic work, embrace the lie that the self-conception of sodomy is pleasing to God.

3.) Good Pastors are already equipped to love people who are broken, and same-sex attracted and waiting for glory. I’ve done it more than once as a Pastor in my 30 years. I’ve given such people hope. I’ve told them that God has forgiven them in Christ. What I haven’t suggested is that God is pleased with their self-conception as sodomites. What I haven’t done is allowed them to feel sorry for themselves because of their aberrant desires. I have had them sitting at my table and breaking bread with them. I’ve befriended them and helped them. But I have not destroyed God’s House in order to make them feel comfortable in their sodomite desires.