Tag Archives: audio

TT Podcast 18: Justin Cotrrell, Author of Rise of the Black Serial Killer

[display_podcast]In this episode, Christian Gray inteviews Justin Cottrell about his new book, Rise of the Black Serial Killer.

Learn more about Justin and his work at Sons of Japeth Publishing where you can preview the Table of Contents and read the first chapter for free. Don’t forget to check out a trailer for the book below.

TT Podcast 14: Kinsim and White Nationalism

  1. Kinism Definition
    1. Generic
    2. Restrictive
    Christian Arguments
    1. Bone and Flesh Marriage Model
    2. Fifth Commandment
    3. Historic Faith
    Are Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, CI, etc, Kinists?
    1. Reformed Pedigree
    2. My Position
    Excursus: Theonomists and Kinists Shared Arguments
    1. Right to Exist
    2. Universalized Miscegenation
    White National Differences and Pitfalls
    1. Definition and Difference from Kinists
    2. Flawed Ethical Theory
      1. Low Birthrate
      2. Faggots
      3. Career Moms
      4. State Worship
      5. Corporate America vs. Agrarianism
      White Nationalism Praises
      1. Awareness
      2. Complete Separation from Hostile Races
      3. Organization