Category Archives: Politics

If John Piper Actually Believes This Then He Should Resign

By Davis Carlton

John Piper manifests the absolutely worthless contribution to political discourse being made by prominent mainstream evangelical pastors (Big Eva). Piper posted on Desiring God with his thoughts on voting and moral priorities in the upcoming election. The article is noteworthy for Piper’s glaring and entirely unacceptable moral hypocrisy as well as his thoroughly unchristian understanding of history.

Piper doesn’t mention either Donald Trump or Joe Biden by name, but it is abundantly obvious that Piper has Trump supporters in mind when he thunders condemnation at the “many Christians [who] consider the sins of unrepentant sexual immorality (porneia), unrepentant boastfulness (alazoneia), unrepentant vulgarity (aischrologia), unrepentant factiousness (dichostasiai), and the like, to be only toxic for our nation, while policies that endorse baby-killing, sex-switching, freedom-limiting, and socialistic overreach are viewed as deadly.” read more

You Will Be Silent, O Chattering Class: Why a Revolt Against the Mainstream Media Must Be in Deadly Earnest

By Colby Malsbury

You know what? I’m feeling uninformed today. Let’s remedy that by going to Twitter and checking out some breaking news stories.

Trump fatigue is setting in hard at the worst moment for his campaign.– MSNBC

Sam Elliott narrates Biden ad premiering during the World Series: ‘There is only one America.’– The Hill

Obama trolls Trump saying ‘his TV ratings are down’ while campaigning for Biden at drive-in rally in Miami.– The Daily Mail US read more

Todd Friel Face Plants on Face Masks

By Davis Carlton

Todd Friel of Wretched Network has recently released a video explaining why Christians who don’t support mask mandates should joyfully submit to the mandates of our governments for the sake of Christ. He hopes to impart to his Christian listeners a “Wow, I get to wear a mask!” mentality. Friel acknowledges that many Christians resent the many mask mandates being imposed upon them and many intend to ignore them. Friel objects citing Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17 which command Christians to submit to governing authorities “for the Lord’s sake.” Friel also alludes to Jesus’ exhortation to “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s” (Matt. 22:21/Mk. 12:17/Lk. 20:25). Friel states that he cannot see exceptions to the principle of submission taught in these passages unless we are specifically being told to do something sinful. read more

Kneel Before the The Experts: the Philosopher Kings of PBS Demand Your Obedience

By Ehud Would

“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”
~Romans 1:21-22

Amidst the Coronavirus lockdown PBS has done something shockingly uncharacteristic, and at just the right time: they have actually addressed the philosophical crux of the matter — the question of authority.

Even so, because they draw precisely the wrong conclusion, it may be the most insidious thing they’ve ever broadcast. read more

Covid-19 and the Rise of the Karens

By Colby Malsbury

Simone de Beauvoir, the lesbian Stalinist who bedded Jean-Paul Sartre whenever there was nothing sufficiently sapphic around for her liking, once said ‘one is not born, but rather becomes a woman.’ Even in such a pithy statement, we can perceive the special kind of tyranny that the female is especially capable of, and culpable for – not as a mere agent of ‘destiny’, whatever that might mean, but as an active participant in and, if not a creator, then a domineering influencer of said destiny, all done for everyone else’s good and not as a vulgar patriarchal power grubber, of course. If the squeaky wheel gets the grease, then the squeaking caterwauling of feminism has garnered its denizens an entire chain of Minit Lube franchises over the past century. read more

It Buttereth No Parsnips: The Myth of the Black Conservative

By Ehud Would

“What do you call a Black person at a Republican rally? The keynote speaker.”
~Everybody’s Grandfather

A popular trope of late among Fox News devotees and the Alt Lite is a mass #walkaway phenomenon among Blacks.

Granted, Trump has resonated with some Blacks. Whereas Blacks generally poll 95-98% Democrat (at most 5% Republican), the latest figures show them trending a whopping 30% for Trump.

Okay, that still amounts to a landslide for whatever Dem homunculus runs against him, but the Shapiros assure us it’s the passion of this groundswell that counts. read more

Ever Heard Of the Tulsa Race Massacre? No? Well, You’re About To. Constantly.

By Colby Malsbury

Hey, everybody! Welcome to a brand-new decade!

What’s on tap for the Roaring Twenties 2.0? Given the latest hysterical historical revisionism making its way to the top of the Outrage Charts, more of the same manufactured SJW angst that made the previous ten years such a delight to endure. Weren’t we supposed to be having Disney cruises to Mars by now?

And just as the perceived entry of hundred year old books, songs, and movies into the public domain often elicits a renewed interest in their contents (though the actual time frame is ninety-five years), so too do the centenaries of past ‘injustices’ elicit a renewed outburst of indignation from professional meddlesome Care Bears. The only thing easier than pouring forth one’s heart towards ethnic strangers afar off is to do so towards ethnic strangers afar off and dead long before one’s grandparents were born. In that spirit, the closing months of 2019 saw the seedbed being prepared for a crop of poisonous forget-me-nots commemorating the Tulsa Race Massacre of May-June 1921. Interestingly enough, the event was better known as the Tulsa Race Riots for decades, but as blacks historically possess the unsavory proclivity towards anarchy during tense periods the moniker was duly altered to its current exploitative form. Doubtless the new name is also meant to covey impressions of that old paean to white inhumanity The Texas Chainsaw Massacre – especially given how Oklahoma is indistinguishable from Texas to your average Left Coaster. When the game is semantics, the play is always based on cutthroat poker rather than Go Fish. read more

‘The Peasants Are Revolting’: Five Reasons Why Homosexuals Constitute a Modern Aristocracy

By Colby Malsbury

Ho, ho, ho!!!! Merrrrrry Pride Month!!! And I’m not talking about a celebration of the musical stylings of Charley, either. It being June again, it’s time for the annual officially-sanctioned orgy: pederasts sauntering down crucial metropolitan trade routes dressed as schizophrenic peacocks, skoolz making a special effort before summer break to inculcate children into accepting the idea that the institution of slavery was built on a foundation of suppressed sodomic longing for virile Mandingosim, corporations incorporating rainbow colors into their copyrighted logos and doubtless securing a second copyright on the alteration, and so on and so forth down the sewer pipe. read more

Western Agriculture is Shattered Beyond Repair. And That’s the Good News.

By Colby Malsbury

If print media is going the way of the dodo bird, agricultural newspapers and magazines are especially down to one or two specimens still known to exist. Should you chance to pick one up, though, you will find one ubiquitous feature: a puff piece of an article (almost guaranteed to be written by a young woman) featuring some variation on ‘Raising beef/pork/chickens/dairy/grain/etc is incredibly hard work….but sooooo totally worth it!!!!‘ A representative sample of such can be found here. read more

Six Reasons Why Continuing To Fervently Support Trump is Effeminate

By Colby Malsbury

Trump is magical. He can declare a global jihad against homophobia. He can do what no former president has ever done before (such boldness!): declare anti-semitism a death penalty offence, and bolster this affirmation with the appointment of a meddlesome ‘hate’ envoy, doubtless with near-cabinet rank. He can mouth off meaningless statistics about how ‘bigly’ his majestic border wall is going to be, while simultaneously destroying the prototypes that are the only trace of construction to be seen thus far – and no doubt is planning on saying ‘But don’t you see?? The wall was in your hearts all along!!!’ on the very last day of his presidency. And yet for all these stark betrayals, the ranks of his boosters seem to be as committed as ever they were, continuing to lionize him as a secular Charlemagne laying the foundation for a Holy Murikan Empire dedicated to the establishment of a freedom of a noticeably orange hue. read more