Category Archives: Kinism

Understanding The Sin of Partiality

By Davis Carlton

Christian nationalists in general and Kinist ethno-nationalists in particular are often accused of the sin of partiality. The sin of partiality (called “respect of persons” in older English translations), is often defined broadly to include any preference that a man would have for his own people. This includes a desire to live among and be ruled by those of the same ethnicity, race, and culture. This accusation is usually used against white people in a way that never seems to be consistently applied to those of other races when they express similar preferences. This tactic has met with a decent amount of success because of the ability of pastors to appeal to Scriptures that do condemn something called partiality. The major problem is that partiality is left undefined. The implication being that the sin of partiality condemns any kind of in-group preference as being sinful. read more

Doug Wilson Defines Ethnicity

By Davis Carlton

Doug Wilson has recently produced a video on his Blog & Mablog YouTube channel in which he undertakes a definition of ethnicity. As a Kinist or ethno-nationalist I believe that ethnicity is essential to national identity. This means that understanding ethnicity is critical to understanding the Biblical approach to national identity. I made this case when I noted that the simple question: What is a nation? is able to show the clear problems with those who reject a Kinist understanding of nationhood. Many who reject Kinism will say that they also reject globalism as an opposing extreme while tacitly accepting globalist principles and undercutting any real basis for national distinctions based upon their false, half-baked definitions of nationhood. I applaud Wilson’s efforts at defining ethnicity because, as I mentioned before, this is the direction that the conversation needs to take. Unfortunately, I find Wilson’s rhetoric only continues to muddy the waters rather than providing needed clarity. read more

Some Kinist Musings on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Version 20.0 or Whatever

By Colby Malsbury

It would be hilarious if it weren’t so painfully obvious and stilted.

Not even a week after national security adviser/amateur soothsayer Jake Sullivan cooed that the Middle East was at its quietest since 9/11, Israel engaged in the utterly thinkable and wrought yet another botched attempt to drive Amalek – whom you might be better acquainted with as ‘Palestine’ – into the sea. It’s a generational rite of passage at this point in history, emerging like clockwork every ten years like a Red Sox pennant race or a Rothschild-financed ‘grassroots protest movement’ that’s gonna topple the existing globalist regime for one and all times. read more

Owen Strachan DESTROYS Kinism! Part 2

By Davis Carlton

Owen Strachan has recently decided to go on the war path against Kinism. He has published an article called Against Kinism and Open Borders: A Christian Response to Political Polarities in which he lays out his case. Strachan begins by suggesting that conservative evangelicals have been right to oppose open borders, but the reason for this is essentially limited to concerns over security, and certainly not concerns over racial, ethnic, or cultural preservation. Strachan gives lip service to opposition to “leftist globalism” that Strachan calls “a grave problem” which “should be opposed in no uncertain terms.” read more

Owen Strachan DESTROYS Kinism!

By Davis Carlton

Is it even possible to be a Christian if you oppose interracial marriage and mass migration of non-whites to white countries? Owen Strachan doesn’t think so, and he’s recently made this abundantly clear on social media. Strachan is a theology professor at GBT Seminary who recently posted on Twitter, “Real talk: you go against inter-ethnic marriage, you go against God.” Strachan has also publicly called out Andrew Torba, the founder of Gab and co-author of Christian Nationalism: A Biblical Guide For Taking Dominion and Discipling Nations. Torba had the temerity to suggest that God created the different ethnic groups and that preserving ethnic distinctions is “an inherent good.” Strachan called Torba’s statement “hot nonsense” that Christians need to oppose “like the plague.” Strachan also told Torba: “I pray you understand the true biblical gospel, which has nothing to do with your kinist message of ethnic preservation and propagation. I say this in love: you are promoting a false gospel. And you are leading many astray in doing so. Please, repent and follow Christ.” read more

Tim Keller: 1950-2023. Too Unpalatable For Laodicea.

By Colby Malsbury

The Rev. Timothy Keller, Pioneering Manhattan Evangelist, Dies at 72

Shunning fire and brimstone, he became a best-selling author and founded Redeemer Presbyterian Church, which drew young New Yorkers.

So lamented the headline of that most august bastion of our Christian civilization, The New York Times. There was much, much more, but as the Paper of Record hides behind an especially obnoxious paywall, I’m not about to plunk down drachmas to read any further. Suffice it to say that a Times obit is valued among modernist cosmopolitan Presbyterian sorts like Keller every bit as much as that precious bowl of pottage was to Esau. Hope that’s a comfort to Timmy where he is now. read more

Mass Migration Won’t Save Us: A Response to Tim Keller

By Davis Carlton

Tim Keller has decided to formally endorse the Great Replacement as a means of bringing about “revival” in American Christianity. Keller is by no means alone. Recently Joel Berry of the Babylon Bee suggested that “mass immigration could save this country” and that we could prevent them from becoming “a permanent underclass voting bloc” by simply “assimilating them.” Apparently this was not intended as satire. Keller argues that Christians must acknowledge and even embrace the demographic shift that can only accurately be described as white genocide in order to grow the American Christian church and stem the tide of secularism. Keller believes that the emerging nonwhite population of America could embrace a version of Christianity that is concerned with advocating for “social justice” as a main priority. read more

Responding To Neil Shenvi’s Objections To Christian Nationalism

By Davis Carlton

Neil Shenvi has written a multi-part review of Stephen Wolfe’s Defense of Christian Nationalism. I found a link to Shenvi’s review from an article by Kevin DeYoung on The Gospel Coalition denouncing “right-wing wokeism.” There is much in DeYoung’s article that needs to be addressed, but for now I wanted to address Shenvi’s objections to Christian nationalism because many within the evangelical mainstream admire DeYoung. Shenvi offers three objections to Christian nationalism as it is presented by Stephen Wolfe. Wolfe is ambiguous about the meaning of a nation. Wolfe is also ambiguous about the meaning and application of ethnicity. Finally, Wolfe wrongly assumes that national identity would have developed irrespective of the Fall. I don’t intend to speak on Stephen Wolfe’s behalf. He is more than capable of responding to his own critics, but I do think that I can provide a Kinist perspective on these issues. read more

The Cost of True Faithfulness: Comments on the Persecution of Thomas Achord

By Davis Carlton

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake” – Matthew 10:22

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.” – Matthew 16:24-25

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.” – John 15:18

I don’t know Thomas Achord personally but I wish that I did. I know of Thomas through social media, through his commentary with Stephen Wolfe on the Ars Politica podcast, and through his co-authorship with Darrell Dow of the masterpiece Who is My Neighbor? An Anthology of Natural Relations. I always find his posts and comments on Facebook to be wise, insightful, and articulate. Thomas is able to speak to controversial topics without rendering needless offense in a concerted effort to maintain peace. I have found Thomas to be a true “man’s man” who combines his considerable learning with practical knowledge that he is able to use as a provider and protector of his family. It’s without exaggeration that I can say that Thomas Achord provides an excellent example for other men to follow. I often feel challenged in a good way by Thomas’s posts to better myself. read more

Lamb’s Reign Jumps On the Anti-Christian Nationalism Bandwagon, And It’s Anything But Beautiful

Being Slaves in the Land of Egypt Was SO Unfair | Steven Greenberg | The  Blogs

By Colby Malsbury

That which is old sure becomes new again in a flash, doesn’t it?

How long have we Kinists been arguing the merits of theonomic race-based nationhood on social media? Fifteen years, minimum? We blew up the message boards. We got the 30 day exiles on Facebook. We became nonentities via the tender mercies of the Twitter algorithm. And yet, ever since the days of Trump the response from Team Church has been to declare the science is settled and ignore us, hoping that we’ll go away and they can get back to holding coffee klatches at important conferences and discuss exclusive psalmody to death. read more