By Davis Carlton
I’ve gone on record arguing that racial segregation is a practical solution to the increasingly hostile nature of race relations in the Western world. The past several months certainly haven’t changed this belief as the specter of all out violence continues to loom. The George Floyd/Derek Chauvin verdict managed to stay black violence at the expense of justice…at least justice as understood in the Anglo-Saxon Christian common law tradition. Calls from black California Congresswoman Maxine Waters for “confrontation” directed at BLM activists with a well-documented history of violence were blatant threats aimed at jurors and the city to render the “right” verdict. The threatening nature of Waters’ rhetoric was even noted by Judge Peter Cahill in the Floyd/Chauvin trial as a potential pretext for granting Chauvin a new trial. Add to this that one of the black jurors has been discovered to have participated in a BLM protest prior to the trial and who was clearly prejudiced (in the proper legal sense of the term) against Chauvin from the beginning.
America is currently sitting on top of a massive racial powder keg, and the fact that widespread rioting was stayed due to the guilty verdict in the Chauvin trial only means that inevitable violence has been delayed rather than avoided altogether. Virtually all institutions in America and throughout the West are thoroughly committed to promoting hatred of whites by non-whites. It would be futile to catalog all of the many instances of mainstreamed anti-white hatred, but a couple of prominent examples will suffice. Recently Coca-Cola has hosted an “anti-racist” training program in which white employees were told to “try to be less white” in which virtually all of the problems in society are attributed to “white solidarity” and the essence of white identity itself. How exactly can white people be “less white?” Racism has always been ill-defined, but it is clear that the elites simply associate it with white people no matter what they think or do.
The second example is a recently published book of “meditations” that contains a prayer from a “weary black woman” to be better able to “hate white people.” The full prayer reads, “Dear God, Please help me to hate white people, or at least to want to hate them. At least, I want to stop caring about them, individually and collectively. I want to stop caring about their misguided, racist souls, to stop believing that they can be better, that they can stop being racist.” This book is sold by major retailers like Target, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. Sentiments such as is found in this “prayer” are a prelude to Maoist purges and genocide, and the fact that this is considered acceptable by major retailers ought to be sobering.
What are Christian pastors and leaders preaching in the midst of this open hostility being aimed at white people? Are they boldly defending white people’s right to exist as white people and calling out the open hatred of whites for the gross violation of the Sixth Commandment that it is? No. Doing so would require actual courage or at least a modicum of masculinity, and contemporary clergy are sorely lacking in both qualities. Keith Harper of the Southern Baptist Convention denounces his denomination by saying, “When are we going to quit listening to the reddest of the rednecks when it comes to matters bearing to race relations and what it means to be a Baptist?” Evidently it’s ok to dishonor your own immediate ancestors and predecessors by calling them “rednecks,” but don’t you dare deign to utter the dread and sacred N-word!
Instead, celebrity preacher Matt Chandler is still blathering on about how helpful critical race theory is to help us understand the past but is inadequate in providing solutions of how to bring about racial harmony through the abolition of racial identity (at least for white people). This is akin to a preacher saying that Marx was correct about his understanding of a just economy in which private property is abolished, but wrong in his understanding of how to bring this about. Come to think of it, this is basically what evangelical darling Tim Keller actually believes.
David Platt has also piled on to the popular collective hatred of white people. Recently Platt has provided cover for those who campaign for pro-abortion and pro-sodomy politicians by suggesting that this kind of activism is simply a matter of political disagreement. Would Platt’s plea for unity apply to people who are openly “racist” and express opinions in favor of white solidarity? Of course not! In 2018 Platt stated that “As a white pastor I have blind spots…So I am part of the problem” (emphasis mine). Platt believes that merely being white is a problem? You better believe it!
While delivering the keynote address at the T4G conference in 2018 Platt said, “In so many ways my world has been so white. I look around at my country and it is not so white, so why is my world so white? Why is the missions organization that I lead so predominantly white? How can I with a supposed zeal for the nations be so blind to injustice against peoples within my own nation? Why are so many of our churches so white? Why are so many of our institutions? Our seminaries and missions organizations so white? If I could be so bold because I love this conference…why is this conference so white?”
Popular pastors agree with the cultural zeitgeist that whiteness itself, and by implication white people, are the problem. Even if these pastors reject Kinism or ethno-nationalism and believe race to be irrelevant, one would think that they could denounce the increasing hatred of whites, but instead the focus remains on imagined past injustices as the root cause of this tension. If people are angry or even hateful toward white people it is simply because of how evil whites have been throughout history. Whites are to be educated about how evil their ancestors were and how everything good that they enjoy is the result of unjust exploitation. While pastors continue to prattle about “structural racism,” many whites seek ways in which to disavow themselves from their white identity because they correctly perceive being white as a liability in today’s world.
Most Christian clergy don’t have any sympathy for the fate of whites today because they believe that they are righting past injustices and building a world of racial tolerance ripe for evangelism. The reality is that multi-racialism and multiculturalism are ripping the world apart and destroying the very fabric of social trust. Our current circumstances in the West evoke the imagery of the declining Roman Empire portrayed as the feet of iron mixed with clay of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream:
“And there shall be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron, because iron breaks to pieces and shatters all things. And like iron that crushes, it shall break and crush all these. And as you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it shall be a divided kingdom, but some of the firmness of iron shall be in it, just as you saw iron mixed with the soft clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly brittle. As you saw the iron mixed with soft clay, so they will mix with one another in marriage, but they will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with clay.” ~ Daniel 2:40-43, ESV (emphasis mine).
Globalist elites have no qualms ignoring or even encouraging violence by non-whites against whites in Western countries as means of crushing potential resistance, but an unintended consequence of multi-racialism is violence between different non-white racial groups. The media has rushed to blame anti-Asian violence on white “racists” while covering up the reality that the vast majority of violent crimes committed against Asians are perpetrated by blacks. There has long been hostility between black and Hispanics, now blacks are being targeted in predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods in Chicago. One black man was even speared as he was driving his car.
This shouldn’t surprise anyone. God has designed mankind to assort into the various ethnic groups that we are familiar with today. Trying to squeeze all ethnicities, races, and cultures into one body politic never ends well. Liberalism is only effective as a wrecking ball to destroy the foundations of civilization but can never build up anything on the ruins. Tearing down white institutions and flooding white homelands with non-whites won’t succeed in building a multi-racial utopia. Violence is inevitable and pious platitudes uttered from the pulpit won’t do anything to stop this. The clergy of this generation will have to answer to God someday for how they either ignored or even promoted the policies that have brought us to where we are now. Globalists and their allies in the clergy have lots of blood on their hands, and will have much more before this is all said and done.