A Pictorial Manifestation of The Death of The Christian West



By Davis Carlton

Traditional orthodox Christianity is a mostly dead faith. It absolutely pains me to admit as much, but there can be no doubt Christianity is on the steep decline as we witness mass apostasy that has rendered us worthy of divine judgment. This judgment is apparent in a number of ways: the mass exodus of people from any form of organized Christianity, the abandonment of traditional Christian doctrines and morals by professed Christian clergy, the banishment of Christian symbols from public life and the rise of anti-Christian symbols like rainbow flags and satanic sculptures in places of prominence. There is also the sad spectacle of the demolition of beautiful architecture, especially historic and beautiful churches.

One vivid example of this transition is the transformation of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Syracuse, New York into a mosque. The church was founded in 1891 by German immigrants. Throughout its history the church was used by German and Italian Catholics. The parish was closed and consolidated by the Catholic Diocese of Syracuse in 2010 and eventually sold the former church building to a group called the “Northside Learning Center,” an organization dedicated to refugee resettlement, who in turn leases the building as a mosque. A professor from Syracuse even sees this transition from church to mosque as a poignant picture of America’s history of welcoming immigrants seeking religious freedom. The church building had been designated as a historic landmark, but this did not save it from being mutilated in order to be transformed into a mosque. The Church featured several crosses and stained glass that depicted episodes from the life of Jesus in the Gospels.

(Before proceeding further I realize that some object to any depiction of Christ or statuary in churches such as the Stations of the Cross, etc. I respect this position and I admire the desire to uphold the Second Commandment against idolatry. My own view comports with a traditional Anglican and Lutheran approach to religious art that rejects iconoclasm but appropriates images for pedagogical purposes. I don’t agree with the devotional applications made from some particular Catholic or Orthodox art, but I don’t have a problem with the religious imagery present in this particular church or in many other traditional churches. I love the majesty of the cathedrals and baroque churches of Europe.)

The church featured many exquisite stained glass windows. Fortunately these windows were not allowed to be removed, but have since been covered up in accordance with Muslim teaching. All crosses on the inside and outside of the church have been removed. The altar and statuary have been removed, and carpeting oriented towards Mecca has been used for Muslim prayer. Below are pictures of the stained glass from the church.








The Church-to-Mosque transition also is stark in terms of demographics. Notice how the mostly white Catholic population is gathered to celebrate the Church’s last mass, in comparison to the distinctly non-white Muslim crowd.










The sad transition from a gothic church to a mosque typifies and epitomizes the death of the West. The original Holy Trinity Church was a beautiful testimony to the truth of Christianity and the creative genius of white Christians. The mosque that has emerged from the former church building appears vacant, sterile, and dead; a mere empty shell of its former glory.











The transition was led by a man named Yusuf Soule, an American convert to Islam who has married a Muslim woman from Indonesia. Soule’s Twitter account reveals him to be a Bernie Sanders socialist. The example of Soule demonstrates the foolishness of mainstream conservatives who believe that Muslims make natural Republicans because of their “religious” values and convictions. It also demonstrates how foreign women can play a role in turning men’s hearts astray after foreign gods as in the case of Solomon (1 Ki. 11:1-8). Yusuf Soule’s unique surname causes me to wonder if Mr. Soule is a descendant of George Soule who came to America on the Mayflower. If true this would be another example of the irony of this whole sad situation.

This is but one example of how the glory has departed from the once excellent Christian West. We have rebelled against our God and are now under His righteous curse because of our persistent rebellion. Only repentance will save us from utter ruin and destruction. For now we can take comfort in the knowledge that the old waste places can be restored and rebuilt (Is. 58:12), and God can remove our hearts of stone and give us hearts of flesh (Ezek. 11:19, 36:26). Let us pray that this happens before our people are totally consumed and our entire heritage demolished.

3 thoughts on “A Pictorial Manifestation of The Death of The Christian West

  1. RMS

    Depressing and distressing, but undeniable. Two centuries of the Golden Calf of liberal democracy with it’s tenets of “religious freedom”, immigration, secularism and universal suffrage has brought the once Christian West to its knees and portends the end of 1500 years of history. Forty years ago, if someone had told me this is where we would be today I would have laughed them to scorn, and yet here we are facing our AD 70 at the hands of Third World barbarians.

  2. Doug

    This sad reality reflects God’s punishment on His people for turning away from Him and serving idols. You will not keep Him captured in your dens of thieves. It is described by Jeremiah, after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in Lamentations 2.
    Some key verses…

    6-7 He has done violence to His tabernacle, As if it were a garden; He has destroyed His place of assembly; The LORD has caused The appointed feasts and Sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion. In His burning indignation He has spurned the king and the priest. The Lord has spurned His altar, He has abandoned His sanctuary; He has given up the walls of her palaces into the hand of the enemy. They have made a noise in the house of the LORD
    As on the day of a set feast.

    17 The LORD has done what He purposed; He has fulfilled His word which He commanded in days of old. He has thrown down and has not pitied, and He has caused an enemy to rejoice over you; He has exalted the horn of your adversaries.

    The more pathetic side story is that many of today’s churches that claim to be Christian are even idolatrous than these former ones. 2 Peter 2 is so very excellent to read in this regard. Foreboding to false believers yet reassuring to the Elect. This chapter of Truth is so edifying I encourage all to just quickly read its 22 verses and praise God.

  3. Roy Thompson

    It’s like watching the whole world burning around us! If one but mentions concern for churches converting to mosques or immigration or the like, one is met with apathy. If one is not met with apathy, then maybe “what are you, some sort of bigoted religious zealot?” may be the response. It is altogether shocking to see these sorts of things happening in the name of “diversity”, and “religious freedom”. God help us!

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