Want to End Abortion? Easy: Revoke Women’s & Minority Voting Privileges


By Ehud Would


So we’ve all heard the news. Cuomo signed a bill sanctioning the murder of children at birth in the state of New York. And immediately, as if coordinated aforehand, Kathy Tran led the Virginia democrats in sponsorship of a like bill. For the foreseeable future, the trajectory seems set. The unthinkable has, in short order, gone from accepted to celebrated. And they are literally celebrating. More, as ritual celebration, it is patently religious in nature; in essence, a public Black Mass.

A provident, if horrific, witness, Dr. Levantino’s timely testimony before congress highlights the common practice of resuscitating babies in the process of abortion; you know, just so the mother can say goodbye to her “clump of cells” face to face before the abortionist’s steel severs the baby’s spine.

And Cuomo and Tran typify the tableau around this subject: the momentum behind the infanticide movement is all jilted feminists and hostile aliens. Just as it always has been.

Which means …

The only way to end abortion in America is to strip women and minorities of the vote.

But let’s back up a minute.

Christianity is, by definition, opposed to abortion. So whenever someone calls for overturning Roe, or by other means curtailing the mass infanticide underway, our “amens” flow free as air. It is obligatory.

So when Jeff Durbin and his Apologia Studios solicit funds “to end abortion” it resonates. And many well-meaning believers donate reflexively. Here’s the trouble though: the Durbinite man-children are flatly lying to their donors. First consider what they have done with your patronage:

  1. They planted a church in their favorite vacation destination — Hawaii.
  2. They made an ambassadorial visit with at least one Protestant church in Ireland.
  3. They started a comedy talk show after the secular-Left template of Colbert Report.
  4. Sometimes they interview minor politicos.
  5. They promote Jewish pundits like Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager as “our guys”.

Now ask yourself if these things have, or even possibly can, move the needle one iota toward a prohibition on abortion.

We all know the answer.

Of course they can’t. None of these activities touch any of the levers of power, nor impede any of the efficient causes in the situation.

So what then is the genuine motive for this funding drive to “Abolish Abortion”? Beyond run o’ the mill greed, there is something much more insidious at work — the ideology of Abolitionism. Because it is, in fact, that ideology by which their apparent avarice is being excused. Even hallowed.

Some of us are old enough to remember that Abolitionism is a very recent overlay on the Anti-Abortion movement. In fact, prior to the past couple decades, Pro-Life activism was diametrically opposed to the Jacobin doctrine of Abolitionism. It was always the old ‘racist’ Patriarchy which conceived an authoritative chivalry and noblesse oblige to protect the lessers of society.

Over against which, this now enshrined notion of equality led inexorably to the grant of infanticide with which we presently grapple. Because equality, as a principle, unbridles ego and appetite, and therefore, sexuality. And the unwanted pregnancies which naturally result from that levelling, redressed according to the same principle, grant women like ability to men — to have sex without the implication of attachment, children, or family. Such is the prerogative of that coveted liberty — a liberty from their proximate gender role. Gender Egalitarianism necessarily begets abortion. It’s a package deal. Feminine sexuality unbound is a conscienceless mass murder machine which, in aggregate, culls whole generations and exterminates whole peoples.

Which in reality only underscores the biblical witness that God is no egalitarian.

But the Abolitionists draw precisely the wrong conclusion to it all:

“Abortion is wrong because it’s so much like African slavery, Jim Crow, and the Patriarchy prior to women’s liberation.”

Among the problems with this line of argument is that all those “racists” of yesteryear were Pro-Life. In spite of late Abolitionist (AHA) rhetoric to the contrary, even the Ku Klux Klan was monolithically Pro-Life.

And, incidentally, the suffragettes whose mantle our modern pro-Abort Feminists claim, were also ardent White nationalists. Oops.

Kick against the pricks as you will, the legalization of abortion came part and parcel of the sexual revolution, and its popular support comes principally from women and minorities. Those to whom the franchise was bestowed by Abolitionism are the very same demographics whose status centers around “reproductive rights”. The joint narrative of liberated women and minorities is that White men always controlled their reproduction and forced them to carry and birth children against their will and basic “human rights”. And mythological human and civil rights aside, they are right about that.

Be it in the voting booth, or street activism, as a demographic bloc, it is White men alone who vote, speak, and act contrary to the practice of abortion. Fact is, the Pro-Life movement was always synonymous with Christian White Nationalism. Because organic Christian societies are naturally more conservative.

But even when POCs claim Christ in high numbers, they still do not lean Pro-Life like White Christians do. In America it is strictly the intersection of Conservative White Christians (and Men especially) which stands against abortion.

Even when claiming devout Christian adherence, however, the plebiscites of minorities and women in general, remain Pro-Choice (pro infanticide).

Which is only to say that we must return to the biblical understanding which preceded the cultural revolution — Freehold Suffrage, restricting the franchise to “landed White males over twenty-one”. Oft abbreviated later as “Free, White and Twenty-one”, our Reformation era fathers who settled this land had no inkling of extending the vote to women or foreign races because such a notion is clearly contrary to biblical law and example. And having now departed such a ways from the Christian order, the fruit of that digression stands in stark relief.

In such a degenerated state of culture outrage at all this truth is, of course, the typical response. Thrall to zeitgeist, enemy-occupied churches bank and turn reflexively, like a school of fish, or so many cattle, instep with the World. Bewitched, they froth and rage in chorus with all the kingdom of the cults.

But the truth doesn’t care if you approve of it or not. It will not be shamed, argued with, nor bargained away. Neither minority belligerence, nor feminine hysteria, nor even their alliance, an argument makes. If we are serious about ending abortion in America and the West we must return to Christian Patriarchy and Ethno-Nationalism. Women and minorities must be stripped of voting privileges. In truth, these privileges never belonged to them in the first place.




5 thoughts on “Want to End Abortion? Easy: Revoke Women’s & Minority Voting Privileges

  1. Doug

    “…the Durbinite man-children are flatly lying…” My papa told me to never trust a “man” wearing jewellery or tattoos.

    “…we must return to Christian Patriarchy and Ethno-Nationalism.” Our future Kinist communities would relfect this and thus succeed by having God’s blessings and healthy natural functions.

    Thank you for continuing to bring God’s Truth to those seeking it.

  2. Joe Putnam

    Very good piece Mr. Would. I too believe that abolition was the domino that started the U.S.A.’s descent into the current un-Biblical egalitarian nightmare, an argument I make in *Rethinking The Propositions*.Dabney saw where we were headed, except I do to belive he thought it would come to the celebration of mass infanticide by medical doctors. Your article reaffirms to em that there is now nothing redeeming left about America.

  3. Alpharius

    Yeah revoking voting rights for women might feel satisfying as a spergy-edgepost on the internet but a path to making this a political reality is utterly impossible.

    I’m also very interested in how Christianity is inherently anti-abortion beyond some cherry picked excerpts from the Old Testament taken out of context.

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