Satan’s Conspiratorial War on Man


The foundation for comprehending a conspiratorial view of human events is a proper understanding of Satanology. The greatest trick Satan ever pulled was convincing people he doesn’t exist, and the modern church is complicit in this, having allowed the influence of anti-supernatural rationalism to make demonology and Satanology taboo topics. In the high churches, if mentioned at all, Satan has been abstracted to the level of irrelevance. In the low churches, where some mention does still occur, he has been demoted to a meddlesome provocateur of ordinary human sinfulness, and made a scapegoat thereof.

Satan is envious of God. God’s superiority makes evident Satan’s inferiority, and since Satan is unable to raise himself to God’s level, he desires to destroy God, that none may be above him. Being unable to attack God directly, he attacks the image of God in man, to the extent that God permits him. This attack is anything that mars the image: unbelief, heresy, immorality, death, perversions, lies, the destruction of Christian dominion, etc. Satan revels in misery, falsehood, corruption, and degeneration. Satan is a power-religionist. Satan delights in blasphemous inverted parallels of Christianity, and engenders an occult theater of sorts that mocks the exercise of true religion. Satan wants to be God, and he likewise tempts his minions through the promise of apotheosis.

God has made a covenant with His people and Satan is likewise in covenant with his, though they are often deluded that he is in service to them. If you want to locate Satan’s servants, look to the power centers, look to those who have the greatest influence over the greatest number of minds, look to those who have the power to kill and destroy, the power to create misery and absorb constructive human energies. Satan’s servants are dedicated Malthusians, and they mean business: war, abortion, mass sterilization efforts, fruitless sodomite “coupling”, destruction of the family, making children expensive, hatred of large families, etc. Vaccinations, chemtrails, fluoridation, the poisoning of the food supply – all of these things are made clearer by comprehending the action of Satan’s servants in human affairs. The constant promotion of perversity through entertainment venues and mass media, the ease of access to pornography, the legal protection and favoritism extended to sodomites, the mainstreaming of interracial sexual relationships – all of these things are likewise consistent with the disfiguring and boundary-destroying nature of Satanism. False flag attacks and manufactured crises – anything that leads to the further aggregation of power in the hands of the wicked or is used to cause a mass-shift in popular opinion towards war or greater state control – are naturally suspect. Influential heretics with broad audiences, such as Tim Keller, are likewise suspect; especially when they associate themselves with known enemies of Christ or employ occult symbology in their works.

While many advocates of the conspiratorial view can be unhinged and tend towards overidentification of conspiratorial influence, even approaching the level of Satanic determinism, any view of the world that accepts the popular narrative at face value without accounting for the action of Satan and his networks in human events, is ultimately naïve and foolish. As a friend has stated, 90% of conspiracy theories are incorrect, but the 10% that are correct explain 90% of how the world operates.


3 thoughts on “Satan’s Conspiratorial War on Man

  1. Weston

    Great article Mr. Henry. A telling but, because of its incessant usage, subtle sign of this is “Judeo-Christian” values. Two things so diametrically opposed to one another crammed side by side reaching into the minds of millions every single day. The more I learn of Judaism, the harder I cringe every time I hear it uttered in such righteous tones. If this isn’t the hand of Satan sowing confusion and blasphemy I don’t know what is.

  2. ToeKneeBelowKnee

    Satan’s covenant may have no explanation other than being open ended chaos that serves no purpose but avoidance of purpose itself.
    Occultic practices marketed in innocent board games open doorways to the dark spiritual realm. Along with the heretical false preachers that are purposely broadcast on TBN’s many outlets, the severity of their misleadings can & do bring on a universe of hurt especially when in cahoots with the results of the occultic.
    So what is being put forth as an answer to the darkness is of the angel of light.
    Even at a mans end, there will be no end in sight. A masterful deception.
    – tkbk –

  3. Clement Pulaski

    Thank you for this important article. Satan and his servants are everywhere, often on both sides of an issue. Even on the question of white survival, there are occultists on both sides. Constant vigilance is needed to guard against compromise and dilution of the truth.

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