Orthodox Christianity vs. American Christianity

Christianity in contemporary America is ineffective and very much useless.

As a Christian, it gives me no joy to see a nation–so empowered by the Gospel of Jesus Christ at its colonial and Constitutional founding—permeated throughout with such a shallow and effeminate collection of churches and theology.

Modern Christianity, contrary to its popular self-perception, embodies very little of the ancient, orthodox faith. Modern Christianity is a synchronism of Biblical Christianity, New Age “feel-goodism,” and an unwavering devotion to the mythology which we can call "Americana."

How did it happen that American Christianity, once the forefront of piety, theological development, and global evangelization, became reduced to a lack luster and shallow social club that cares more about sparkling church decorations and self-help programs rather than saving souls and promoting justice in society?

The answer is simple: Christianity surrendered to the Americana mythology. Christianity, having burst out of the Holy Land and Southern Europe in the first century A.D., was at first a conquering force. Its duty was rooted in an uncompromising militarism against the devil and his agents for the salvation of souls. The strong devotion to obtaining righteousness of the soul in the supernatural realm was made manifest in the enacting of good works in this world for the expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven.

This ridged adherence to militant Christianity transformed itself into a massive social, political, and economic power after its conquest of the Roman Empire, via Constantine, that saved and reenergized Western Civilization after the fall of Rome.

This was militant Christianity, the purifying force of soul and soil.

More simply put, Christianity’s duty is to conquer nations and cultures and “Christianize” them, or as otherwise could be put, “civilize” them. Christianity in Europe, having displaced the mythology of Rome, Britannia, and Germania, was the new salvation promised to the European peoples and it manifested itself into Christendom.

Nowadays, the reverse has happened. American Christianity has yielded rather than conquered America, and now embodies rather than resists America’s greatest failures and sins.  

American Christianity yielded to the world by marrying itself to the uncompromising defense of contemporary Americana, and therefore condemns itself to unknown fate of the American mythology. Much in the same way that German Protestantism wed itself to the rise of National Socialism in 1930s in the hope of stamping out Communism, it became morally bankrupt and socially invalid by following the 1930’s German Zeitgeist rather than the Heilige Geist.

For whatever reason, American Christians are so piously devoted to America that they do not just believe in some esoteric idea of America being the “good guy” and everybody else the “bad guy,” they believe that America and its Constitution were God-ordained, as if Jesus Christ himself was at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1789.

Consequently, Christians cannot find in their souls or theology the will to objectively examine whether America is a virtuous or sinful nation. Moreover, because of this "Jesus wrote the Constitution" mythology, it becomes impossible for them to reject America at its core, regardless of how obscene it may turn, because though America may now sanction infanticide, normalize sodomy, endorse multiculturalism and religious pluralism, it was still founded by Christians, on Christian principles, and therefore Christians are always completely submissive to the American ethos.

This dogged adherence to the American mythology is completely anathema to the apostolic teachings of Christianity. Christianity does not marry nations or submit to the prevailing culture; rather Christianity conquers and saves nations, peoples, and cultures and then uses them for God’s will on earth. Every time in history Christianity decides to submit or synchronize to the existing culture, in almost a supernatural fashion, Christianity vanishes from the heights of power and becomes nothing more than a small cultic enclave, submissive to the prevailing worldview of the nation or culture. Whether it was French Catholicism in 1789 at the French Revolution, Spanish Catholicism after Franco, or German Protestantism after Nazism, Christianity is to submit to no human institution or creation. 

So then, we see this blind loyalty to the American mythology when, for example,  American Christianity devotes itself to battling gay marriage but never decries the bombing of innocent Pakistani children via drone strikes as a part of America’s “divine duty” to spread democracy (an originally French radical notion). Christians will march at the pro-life March for Life, but never speak out when American-backed al-Qaeda in Syria bomb a Christian church in Damascus, because, after all, those rebels are fighting for "freedom." By blindly supporting these American policies, American Christianity damns itself to the sins of America’s corporatist foreign policy and becomes destructive rather than constructive to the nation.

American Christians have to realize that though their country may have been founded by Christians and upon Christian principles, America no longer embodies any of the ideals of the Puritans, Pilgrims, colonial settlers, or the Founding Fathers. They must now admit that Christians lost America and there is nothing of any moral value in contemporary American society worth defending.

American society is utterly decadent and shallow, being more concerned with Sunday sports than Sunday church. It is more passionate about spending money on cheap slave-made goods from the Third World than boycotting and organizing to promote healthy American made goods for American citizens. It claims to be a nation of light and inspiration while America kills her young via abortion and kill the young of foreign countries with war and drone strikes.

Jesus does not approve.

A key component to this failing psychosis in American Christianity is the unyielding defense of Capitalism. A full theological discussion of Christian economics aside, Christians in America and the rest of the Anglosphere must realize that Jesus died for souls, not for economic theory.

Regardless of the principles of the free market, Christians must understand that capitalism is by its nature rooted in the promotion of material greed and the further acquisition of more "things," both of which are not only contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ, but are in fact sins. Promoting just principles for market regulation is one thing, but to promote a new ideology that stands in opposition to Christ’s teachings of “sell all you have and give it to the poor” is blasphemy and anathema to the Church’s mission.

Christians would do themselves and the unbelieving heathen a great benefit by working to meet the needs of the suffering, rather than teaching the heathen about the benefits of Austrian economics over Keynesianism or Marxism.

Douglas Hyde, the famous British Communist Party agitator turned Catholic, noted how in the Third World, despite the abundance of evidence showing how America and the Church were helping the Third World more than the Soviet Union and Bolshevism were, the Reds made strong progress in the Third World. Why? Because Communism was providing simple, all encompassing answers to the average person and giving them something to fight and die for.

In contrast, American Christianity, naively hoping to protecting "the American dream" over those godless Reds, doggedly defends transnational corporatism that enslaves third world workers, revels in environmental degradation in order to not be one of those hippy scum, and viscously attacks any person receiving welfare in the manipulation of St. Paul’s words, "those who do not work, shall not eat."

Early and Medieval Christianity, as opposed to contemporary Christianity, gave the believer the inspiration of martyrdom in the resistance against the heathen pagans and Saracens, much like the contemporary Left chants  the anthem of earthly salvation though unyielding sacrifice. Contemporary Christianity not only cannot provide sound answers to the basic questions of life, but is devoid of any passionate fire for the believer.

Christianity of modern America asks nothing of the believer to sacrifice with any promise of reward from God, only rather do good and feel good. In this message, there is nothing worth dying for, killing for, or even worth sharing with others. If the church cannot provide these answers to the godless in the face of radical leftism that promises the world to their believers through action, how can the church ever hope to compete. Sending canned goods to Nicaragua is pleasant and makes you feel good, but the Left wants to do bigger: the Left wants to save Nicaragua and the world. 

This emasculated theology manifests itself in the major so-called “leaders” of contemporary Christianity that exist today. Rather than needing more sensitive pastors and clergy such as Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, Billy Graham, Occidental Christianity must produce new Augustines, Luthers, and Calvins to spawn the necessary political leaders that can be the new Charles Martels, Charlemagnes, Richard the Lionhearts, and William Pitts.

Christianity has ruled the Occidental world for over 1600 years–that is almost 50% of the great history of Occidental history and it has been the most prosperous, just, and enlightened period of Western history. The Church possess the fervent masculine ability to fight injustice and inspire men and women to great actions beyond the comprehension of its Communist and Muhammadean opponents, but this ability won’t be revealed until American Christians divorce themselves from “Americanism,” stop defending Capitalism to the death, and work instead on making new men by revitalizing their souls.

Men need something to fight and die for, and if they cannot get it from Jesus, they will get it from Rousseau, Marx, Kinsey, Muhammad, Dawkins, or some other usurper of the traditional West. Atheistic humanism has caused a vacuum in the souls of people in the West and Christians should have an easier time now than ever before to reevangelize the West. After all, it is not as if the NYPD is going to arrest a missionary and throw him to the lions in the Coliseum. But if Christians fail their God-ordained calling to stewardship and the salvation of souls, then Western Civilization is damned. The blood and sacrifice our ancestors wrought for God will be consigned to fiery hell along with Islam and Leftism.

2 thoughts on “Orthodox Christianity vs. American Christianity

  1. Matt B

    Our country would benefit from a supernatural take over by the spirits of Charlemagne, Charles Martel and the Teutonic Knights. Get things done “old School”.

  2. Matt B

    America will fight and for one thing most certainly and that is mammon. Money before God

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