TT Podcast 17: Kevin Swanson’s Case for White Genocide

On Kevin Swanson and His White Genocidal Ways

Show Resources

  1. Stay up to speed with Kinist news:
    Christ and Kin
  2. Lynching the PC History of Lynching in America
  3. A Tale of Two Cities
  4. Carver and the Peanuts, and Other Black Inventor Myths
  5. Rushdoony: Moses’ Ethiopian Wife Not Black [Christianity for Kinism]
  6. Race and Reason: A Yankee View, Careton Putnam
  7. Passages Frowning on Race Mingling
  8. Is Interracial Marriage Scriptural
  9. Ken Ham on Blood (see the bullet links in the post)
  10. Wanted: More Race Realism, Less Moralistic Fallacy

Generations Audio:


2 thoughts on “TT Podcast 17: Kevin Swanson’s Case for White Genocide

  1. NorseManly

    Georgia members of the Tribal Theocrat community should all attend the pro Western Civilization event at Emory on March 21.

    Please spread the word and post on your blogs. Can anyone send this to CWNY and the Kinist Institute in Atlanta?

    Sponsored by the NAS, a heroic defender of anti-Diversity in the academy.

    “Why Western Civilization? Tales from the Front”

    AHI charter fellow and Hamilton College Professor Robert Paquette will speak at Emory University about the culture wars that led to the rise, fall, and rebirth of the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization.

  2. Matt B

    Where did this Kevin Swanson fellow learn that Anglo-Saxon tribes had a history of cannibalism? HHHMMMM……

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