Rev. Paul T. McCain: Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda

In this utterly ignorant Facebook Note (blog post here), Pastor Paul McCain showcases why the Church is dead. His asinine State school propaganda and bourgeois Fox News style rhetoric can be pursued on your own time. The issue here transcends his grade school view of Lincoln’s war; it is about a type of treason and cowardice which can only displayed in learned “ministers” of the gospel.

You see, if the church is the ground and pillar of truth, the salt and light of the world, then we expect all Elders of Christ’s church to be at the forefront of exposing and challenging the tyranny that assaults their sheep. Precisely because the shepherd of souls has this weighty responsibility, James says that not many should become teachers as such will bear stricter judgment (James 3:1). Pulling down strongholds and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ is the line of work that wins you scars, not friends.

While you may have visions of pastors not only faithfully preaching the gospel, but fearlessly fighting every cultural and political fire that opposes their King and infringes on the liberties of Christians, such visions quickly fade when you look upon PC heroes like Rev. McCain. Not only does he saddle the thread-bare position of atheist Jacobins and Unitarian Abolitionist, but he prefers the predictable rebuttal tactics of every Marxist, sodomite, and common liberal you’ve seen. That is, when some pesky commenter drops in to offer a substantial, moderate-toned response to flagrant misrepresentations, McCain invokes name calling, then censorship.

After McCain’s award-winning genuflection before the gods of equality, civil rights, and even Lincoln’s deceitful Gettysburg Address, David Opperman replies:

1.) Southern slavery was not intrinsically immoral. The Bible doesn’t condemn servitude in either Testament. See:

The Institution of the South Not Chattelism:

The Bible View of Slavery:

The Golden Rule and Slavery:

Religion and the Demise of Slavery:

2.) Servitude in the Bible was not divorced from ethnicity/race since Hebrew servants were manumitted at Jubilee, and foreigners could be held indefinitely.

3.) The Declaration of Independence is not inspired, including the “equality clause.” Even then it is clear that neither Jefferson nor the other framers were referring to absolute political equality, which is a Jacobin innovation. See The Heresy of Equality:

4.) States created the Union and were sovereign. They had the right to dissolve the Union since they created it. It is nothing more than political double speak that allows Lincoln to invoke the Declaration as supporting his armed conquest of the South.

5.) The Constitution permitted slavery, so the argument that the War Between the States was righteously fought over slavery is a myth. If the Northern states could not morally tolerate being in union with states that permitted slavery, then it was incumbent upon these states to withdraw from the Union or to allow the Southern states to leave. There is no Constitutional basis for military aggression of the Federal government. See Shattering the Icon of Abraham Lincoln:

6.) There is no intrinsic right to civil equality. Ancient Israel serves as an example to other nations, and they were not predicated upon absolute civil equality.

The Proverbs teach us that “Whoever loves correction loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.” So, will the servant leader McCain at least entertain the dialogue?

No, instead he responds with an ad hominem and then blocks the poster: “Hmmmm….David, where do you get your KKK gowns dry cleaned?” When this writer messaged him stating that he should just refute David for all to see, and that it appears that his censoring of David is a cover for his inability to refute him, he responded: “Oh, wonderful, another historical revisionist. You people are simply kooks.” And then he blocked me, too.

So much for discussion. The Reverend is content following other anti-Christs in simply letting the “racist” words of Jefferson Davis refute themselves. So what–Jefferson said the Negro was a savage race? Which Christian pre-1960 didn’t? Is it true? Is there a response to Jefferson’s quote that McCain posted in walk-off fashion? Of course not.

How can this man sleep at night harboring such a degree of intellectual dishonesty, spite toward reasonable opposition, and downright cowardice? How can he do it while wearing the collar in the denomination that honors that great Reformer whose “racism”  in On the Jews and Their Lies makes Opperman’s response seem like a pleasantry?

The reason he can do it is because he’s your garden variety Evangelical preacher who cherishes Martin Luther King over Martin Luther, propaganda over informed opinion,  tithe over truth, dispossession of his kin over losing his status. Yes, if you profess the truth where the battle rages like Luther, you will suffer a life like Luther’s. True, if you respond to the tough questions, you will face persecution. So why not take easy way out and hide behind Klan jokes and impress your friends?

Here’s to you, McCain, for abdicating your role as watchman for the spineless station of a status quo mouthpiece.  Here’s to Babylonian capitulation and forsaking Zion. In your treasonous renouncement of our fathers as evil, in your cowardly skirting of brotherly correction, and in your pathetic posturing as a guardian of egalitarianism, you have your reward among men.

Even as your stricter judgment awaits.