Secrets of the Federal Reserve

If there is a single reason why our nation is bankrupt, it is the insidious, ungodly, and unconstitutional Federal Reserve System (and the Jewish international bankers that run it). If there is a single topic avoided by your pastor and politician (save Ron Paul) regarding our economic problems it is the Federal Reserve System. They keep telling you to pay your taxes, encouraging you to invest in assets backed by our falling,  fiat dollar, and cautioning you against buying precious metals. The Inflation Calculator data notwithstanding, there  is no problem with the Magical Money Machine. Just trust them.

But just a bit of studying up on this topic reveals that this system is not federal and is not a reserve. You deserve to learn more about this.

Eustace Mullins, who recently passed away, left behind a gold mine of information in his Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Of course, his Wikipedia page says he had been denounced by the ADL for calling Jews parasites. But this only puts him in faithful company of our Lord who called them devilish vipers that devour even the homes of widows  (Matt 23:33 Mark 12:40). So take up and read!

You can read his book online here, or watch Eustace talk of it in this 5-part video series. If you’re in a hurry, I have strung together the audio from theses five videos into one mp3 file that you can put on your portable player and enjoy without delay. So, get to it!

Also, faithful preacher John Weaver in his sermon Biblical Money and Inflation speaks about some of these issues that may shock you. While you are browsing Sermon Audio, look  for his 8-part series on Biblical Wealth.